Who We Are

The Goldblatt Clarks have been grazing in Vermont since 2020. Stephen and Suzanna have over 20 years of experience as graziers and have been collaborating as a team for over a decade. Their four children are skilled junior shepherds and round out the staff at Long Cloud Farm.

Guardian Team

We protect our livestock from coyotes and bobcats with a team of Maremma livestock guardian dogs. We do not hunt predators as they are a necessary part of a healthy ecosystem.

Herding Team

We would not be able to efficiently move the sheep through our planned grazing map without the assistance of our NZ Heading Dog and our NZ Huntaway. They’re vital employees on the farm.


All good farms have an assorted critter cast to keep things interesting. In addition to our sheep we have a flock of incorrigible chickens, comedy cats, and hopefully soon some silly donkeys too.